COHERE is the integration of all the coherence programs mentioned in P. Thagard, Coherence in Thought and Action (MIT Press, 2000).
1. Copy all the COHERE and INPUT files into files in your Common LISP system. Unfortunately, HTML does not preserve the pretty printing of LISP functions and parentheses, but that will not affect loading the program.
2. Load the COHERE files automatically by loading the file cohere-start.lisp
You will have to edit this file by replacing "Sanders HD" with the name of your hard drive and adding the name of the folder in which you have put the LISP code.
Replace the "pfsl" suffice by "lisp", unless you want to compile the relevant files and your compiler produces files with the "pfsl" suffice. Compiled files should load and run a bit faster.
Unless you are using Macintosh Common LISP, delete the graphics file and the function calls to start-graph. You will also have to delete the calls to resect-act in the input files.
3. Load one of the INPUT files and call one of the functions defined in that file.
The following files are not loaded automatically by cohere-start.lisp: