; Note: the first file has been modified to run in COHERE. The original IMP versions

; follow.

; File P1.disambiguation
; Purpose: Stereotype disambiguates ambiguous behavior
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : October , 1994
; Modified for COHERE, 5-95, PT.


; condition 1: black pushes someone
(defun c1a ()
(observed 'Jamal1 'black)
(observed 'Jamal1 'pushed-someone)
(associate 'black 'aggressive)
(associate 'aggressive 'violent-push)
(associate 'aggressive 'jovial-shove -1)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'violent-push)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'jovial-shove)
(associate 'violent-push 'jovial-shove -1)
(reset-act *all-units*)
(eval-cohere )

; condition 2: white pushes someone

(defun c1b ()
(observed 'Hugh1 'white)
(observed 'Hugh1 'pushed-someone)
; (associate 'white 'aggressive -1)
(associate 'aggressive 'violent-push)
(associate 'aggressive 'jovial-shove -1)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'violent-push)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'jovial-shove)
(associate 'violent-push 'jovial-shove -1)

(defun cp1 ()
(1a) (1b)
(my-print "P1 desired result: Jamal1 more violent than jovial.")
(my-print " Hugh1 more jovial than violent")
(compare 'jamal1 'hugh1 'violent-push)
(compare 'jamal1 'hugh1 'jovial-shove)

(my-print "P1 loaded.")

; File P1.disambiguation
; Purpose: Stereotype disambiguates ambiguous behavior
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : October , 1994



; condition 1: black pushes someone
(defun 1a ()
(observed 'Jamal1 'black)
(observed 'Jamal1 'pushed-someone)
(associate 'black 'aggressive)
(associate 'aggressive 'violent-push)
(associate 'aggressive 'jovial-shove -1)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'violent-push)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'jovial-shove)
(associate 'violent-push 'jovial-shove -1)
(imp-run 'jamal1)

; condition 2: white pushes someone

(defun 1b ()
(observed 'Hugh1 'white)
(observed 'Hugh1 'pushed-someone)
; (associate 'white 'aggressive -1)
(associate 'aggressive 'violent-push)
(associate 'aggressive 'jovial-shove -1)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'violent-push)
(associate 'pushed-someone 'jovial-shove)
(associate 'violent-push 'jovial-shove -1)
(imp-run 'hugh1)

(defun p1 ()
(1a) (1b)
(my-print "P1 desired result: Jamal1 more violent than jovial.")
(my-print " Hugh1 more jovial than violent")
(compare 'jamal1 'hugh1 'violent-push)
(compare 'jamal1 'hugh1 'jovial-shove)

(my-print "P1 loaded.")

; File P2.influence meaning
; Purpose: stereotype influences meaning of trait
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : October 24, 1994



; condition 1: Lawyer argues
(defun 2a ()
(observed 'Reg2 'lawyer)
(associate 'lawyer 'aggressive)
(associate 'lawyer 'up-mid-class)
(associate 'lawyer 'verbal)
(associate 'aggressive 'punch)
(associate 'aggressive 'argue)
(associate 'up-mid-class 'punch -1)
(associate 'verbal 'argue)
(imp-run 'Reg2)

; condition 2: Construction worker punches
(defun 2b ()
(observed 'Hank2 'construction-worker)
(associate 'construction-worker 'aggressive)
(associate 'construction-worker 'work-class)
(associate 'construction-worker 'unrefined)
(associate 'aggressive 'punch)
(associate 'aggressive 'argue)
(associate 'work-class 'punch)
(associate 'unrefined 'punch)
(imp-run 'Hank2)

(defun p2 ()
(2a) (2b)
(my-print "P2 desired result: Reg2 more argues than punches.")
(my-print " Hank2 more punches than argues")
(compare 'Reg2 'Hank2 'argue)
(compare 'Reg2 'Hank2 'punch)

(my-print "P2 loaded.")

; File P3.individuating subtype ALTERNATE
; Purpose Individuating information determines which subtype of a
; steretype is activated
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : October 26, 1994


; condition 1: Black is well-dressed
(defun 3a ()
(observed 'Sid3 'black)
(observed 'Sid3 'well-dressed)
(associate 'black 'ghetto-black )
(associate 'black 'black-businessman)
(associate 'well-dressed 'ghetto-black -1 )
(associate 'well-dressed 'black-businessman )
(associate 'ghetto-black 'black-businessman -1)
(associate 'ghetto-black 'aggressive )
(associate 'black-businessman 'aggressive -1)
(imp-run 'Sid3)

; condition 2: Black is not well-dressed
(defun 3b ()
(observed 'Bro3 'black)
(associate 'black 'ghetto-black )
(associate 'black 'black-businessman)
(associate 'well-dressed 'ghetto-black -1)
(associate 'well-dressed 'black-businessman )
(associate 'ghetto-black 'black-businessman -1)
(associate 'ghetto-black 'aggressive )
(associate 'black-businessman 'aggressive -1)
(imp-run 'Bro3)

(defun p3 ()
(3a) (3b)
(my-print "P3 desired result: Bro3 is more aggressive than Sid3.")
(compare 'Bro3 'Sid3 'aggressive)

(print "")
(my-print "P3 loaded.")

; File P4.no individuating
; Purpose Stereotypes in the absence of individuating information color
; impressions
(print "")
(my-print "Loading P4")

; condition 1: Construction worker expected to be aggressive.
(defun 4a ()
(observed 'Jim4 'construction-worker)
(associate 'construction-worker 'aggressive)
(imp-run 'Jim4)

; condition 2: Housewife is not aggressive.
(defun 4b ()
(observed 'Joan4 'housewife)
(associate 'housewife 'aggressive -1)
(imp-run 'Joan4)

(defun p4 ()
(4a) (4b)
(my-print "Desired result: Jim is more aggressive than Joan.")
(compare 'Jim4 'Joan4 'aggressive)

; File P5.unambiguous diagnostic behavior
; Purpose Stereotype does not affect trait ratings in presence of
; unambiguous diagnostic behavior
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : October26, 1994



; condition 1: Construction worker expected to be aggressive.
(defun 5a ()
(observed 'Jim5 'construction-worker)
; (observed 'Jim5 'punch-adult)
(associate 'construction-worker 'aggressive)
(associate 'punch-adult 'aggressive 3)
(associate 'construction-worker 'punch-adult 1) ;;;!!!
(imp-run 'Jim5)

; condition 2: Housewife is not aggressive.
(defun 5b ()
(observed 'Joan5 'housewife)
; (observed 'Joan5 'punch-adult)
(associate 'housewife 'aggressive -1)
(associate 'housewife 'punch-adult -1) ;;; !!!
(associate 'punch-adult 'aggressive 3)
(imp-run 'Joan5)

(defun p5 ()
(5a) (5b)
(my-print "Desired result: Jim and Joan are about equally aggressive.")
(compare 'Jim5 'Joan5 'aggressive)
(compare 'Jim4 'Joan4 'aggressive)

(my-print "P5 loaded.")



; File P6.ambiguous diagnostic behavior
; Purpose Stereotypes affect trait ratings in presence of
; ambiguous diagnostic behavior, through disambiguating the behavior
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : October26, 1994

(print "")
(my-print "Loading P6")

; condition 1: Construction worker expected to be aggressive.
(defun 6a ()
(observed 'Jim6 'construction-worker)
; (observed 'Jim6 'hit-someone)
(associate 'hit-someone 'punch-adult)
(associate 'hit-someone 'spank-child)
(associate 'construction-worker 'aggressive)
(associate 'construction-worker 'punch-adult )
(associate 'construction-worker 'spank-child)
(associate 'punch-adult 'aggressive 3)
(associate 'spank-child 'aggressive)
(imp-run 'Jim6)

; condition 2: Housewife is not aggressive.
(defun 6b ()
(observed 'Joan6 'housewife)
; (observed 'Joan6 'hit-someone)
(associate 'housewife 'aggressive -1)
(associate 'hit-someone 'punch-adult)
(associate 'hit-someone 'spank-child)
(associate 'housewife 'punch-adult -1)
(associate 'housewife 'spank-child)
(associate 'punch-adult 'aggressive 3)
(associate 'spank-child 'aggressive)
(imp-run 'Joan6)

(defun p6 ()
(6a) (6b)
(my-print "P6 desired result: Jim is more aggressive than Joan.")
(compare 'Jim6 'Joan6 'aggressive)
(compare 'Jim5 'Joan5 'aggressive)
(compare 'Jim4 'Joan4 'aggressive)


(defun locksley () (P4) (p5) (p6))


; File P7.contrast effects
; Purpose Stereotypes can provoke contrast effects on trait ratings


; condition 1: black is extra intelligent
(defun 7a ()
(observed 'Jamal7 'black)
(observed 'Jamal7 'intelligent)
(associate 'black 'ghetto-black)
(associate 'black 'successful-black)
(associate 'successful-black 'intelligent)
(associate 'ghetto-black 'successful-black -1)
(associate 'ghetto-black 'intelligent -1)
(imp-run 'jamal7)

; condition 2: white is intelligent

(defun 7b ()
(observed 'Hugh7 'white)
(observed 'Hugh7 'intelligent)
(associate 'white 'intelligent)
(imp-run 'hugh7)

(defun p7 ()
(7a) (7b)
(my-print "Desired result: Jamal more intelligent than Hugh.")
(compare 'jamal7 'hugh7 'intelligent)

(my-print " P7 loaded.")


; File P8.behavioral predictions
; Purpose Stereotypes can affect behavioral predictions even when they do not
; affect trait ratings


; condition 1: accountant without individuating information

(defun 8a ()
(observed 'acc-no-ind 'accountant)
(associate 'accountant 'nerd)
(associate 'accountant 'refined)
(associate 'accountant 'up-mid-class)
(associate 'accountant 'aggressive -1)
(associate 'nerd 'punch -1)
(associate 'refined 'punch -1)
(associate 'up-mid-class 'punch -1)
(associate 'aggressive 'punch)
(imp-run 'acc-no-ind)

; condition 2: construction worker without individuating information

(defun 8b ()
(observed 'con-work-no-ind 'construction-worker)
(associate 'construction-worker 'unrefined)
(associate 'construction-worker 'strong)
(associate 'construction-worker 'working-class)
(associate 'construction-worker 'aggressive)
(associate 'strong 'punch)
(associate 'unrefined 'punch)
(associate 'working-class 'punch)
(associate 'aggressive 'punch)
(imp-run 'con-work-no-ind)

; condition 3: accountant walked away
(defun 8c ()
(observed 'acc-walked 'accountant)
(observed 'acc-walked 'walked-away)
(associate 'walked-away 'aggressive -3)
(associate 'accountant 'nerd)
(associate 'accountant 'refined)
(associate 'accountant 'up-mid-class)
(associate 'accountant 'aggressive -1)
(associate 'nerd 'punch -1)
(associate 'refined 'punch -1)
(associate 'up-mid-class 'punch -1)
(associate 'aggressive 'punch)
(imp-run 'acc-walked)
; condition 4: construction worker walked away

(defun 8d ()
(observed 'con-work-walked 'construction-worker)
(observed 'con-work-walked 'walked-away)
(associate 'walked-away 'aggressive -3)
(associate 'construction-worker 'unrefined)
(associate 'construction-worker 'strong)
(associate 'construction-worker 'working-class)
(associate 'construction-worker 'aggressive)
(associate 'strong 'punch)
(associate 'unrefined 'punch)
(associate 'working-class 'punch)
(associate 'aggressive 'punch)
(imp-run 'con-work-walked)

(defun p8 ()
(8a) (8b) (8c) (8d)
(my-print "P8 desired result: con-work-no-ind more aggressive than acc-no-ind.")
(compare 'con-work-no-ind 'acc-no-ind 'aggressive)
(my-print "Desired result: con-work-no-ind more punch than acc-no-ind ")
(compare 'con-work-no-ind 'acc-no-ind 'punch)
(my-print "Desired result: con-work-no-ind equally aggressive as acc-walked ")
(compare 'con-work-walked 'acc-walked 'aggressive)
(my-print "Desired result: con-work-walked more punch than acc-walked. ")
(compare 'con-work-walked 'acc-walked 'punch)



; File P9.uncertain info
; Purpose Stereotypes sometimes affect impressions in the presence of uncertain
; information
(my-print "Loading P9")

; condition 1: black gets up

(defun 9a ()
(observed 'Jamal9 'black)
(observed 'Jamal9 'gets-up)
(associate 'black 'irresponsible)
(associate 'irresponsible 'walk-out-no-pay)

(imp-run 'jamal9)

; condition 2: white gets up

(defun 9b ()
(observed 'Hugh9 'white)
(observed 'Hugh9 'gets-up)
(associate 'white 'responsible)
(associate 'responsible 'walk-out-no-pay -1)
(imp-run 'hugh9)

(defun p9 ()
(9a) (9b)
(my-print "Desired result: Jamal more walk away than Hugh.")
(compare 'jamal9 'hugh9 'walk-out-no-pay)

; File P10.irrelevant
; Purpose Stereotypes affect impressions in the presence of truly irrelevant
; information


; condition 1: black gets up

(defun 10a ()
(observed 'Jamal10a 'black)
(observed 'Jamal10a 'gets-up)
(associate 'black 'irresponsible)
(associate 'irresponsible 'walk-out-no-pay)

(imp-run 'jamal10a)

; condition 2: black gets up + more info
(defun 10b ()
(observed 'Jamal10b 'black)
(observed 'Jamal10b 'gets-up)
(observed 'Jamal10b 'short-hair)
(observed 'Jamal10b 'had-pizza)
(associate 'black 'irresponsible)
(associate 'irresponsible 'walk-out-no-pay)

(imp-run 'jamal10b)

(defun p10 ()
(10a) (10b)
(my-print "Desired result: Jamal10a same as Jamal10b.")
(compare 'jamal10a 'Jamal10b 'walk-out-no-pay)

(my-print "P10 loaded.")


; File P11.dilution
; Purpose Nondiagnostic but pseudo-relevant information can eliminate or
; dilute the effects of stereotypes

; condition 1: day person has self-control

(defun 11a ()
(observed 'Jack11a 'day-person)
(associate 'day-person 'self-control)
(imp-run 'Jack11a)

; condition 2: night person lacks self-control

(defun 11b ()
(observed 'Jane11b 'night-person)
(associate 'night-person 'self-control -1)
(imp-run 'Jane11b)

; condition 3: day-person has 5 other features

(defun 11c ()
(observed 'Jack11c 'day-person)
(associate 'day-person 'self-control)
;(observed 'Jack11c 'IQ118)
;(observed 'Jack11c 'Father-lawyer)
;(observed 'Jack11c 'Mother-nurse)
;(observed 'Jack11c 'two-friends)
;(observed 'Jack11c 'does-well-in-college)
(associate 'IQ118 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'Father-lawyer 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'Mother-nurse 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'two-friends 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'does-well-in-college 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'ordinary-person 'day-person -1)
(imp-run 'Jack11c)

; condition 4: night person has 5 other features

(defun 11d ()
(observed 'Jane11d 'night-person)
(associate 'night-person 'self-control -1)
;(observed 'Jane11d 'IQ118)
;(observed 'Jane11d 'Father-lawyer)
;(observed 'Jane11d 'Mother-nurse)
;(observed 'Jane11d 'two-friends)
;(observed 'Jane11d 'does-well-in-college)
(associate 'IQ118 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'Father-lawyer 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'Mother-nurse 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'two-friends 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'does-well-in-college 'ordinary-person)
(associate 'ordinary-person 'night-person -1)
(imp-run 'Jane11d)


(defun p11 ()
(11a) (11b) (11c) (11d)
(my-print "Desired result: Jack11a more assertive than Jane11b.")
(compare 'jack11a 'jane11b 'self-control)
(my-print "Desired result: Jack11c not more assertive than Jane11d.")
(compare 'jack11c 'jane11d 'self-control)

; File P12.multiple
; Purpose Stereotypes can influence the activation of subtypes of another
; stereotype

; condition 1: feminist
(defun 12a ()
(observed 'Linda1 'feminist)
(associate 'feminist 'highly-educated)
(imp-run 'Linda1)

; condition 2: bank teller

(defun 12b ()
(observed 'Linda2 'bank-teller)
(associate 'bank-teller 'highly-educated -1)
(imp-run 'Linda2)

; condition 3: feminist bank teller

(defun 12c ()
(observed 'Linda3 'bank-teller)
(associate 'bank-teller 'highly-educated -1)
(observed 'Linda3 'feminist)
(associate 'feminist 'highly-educated)
(imp-run 'Linda3)
(defun p12 ()
(12a) (12b) (12c)
(my-print "Desired result: Linda1 more educated than Linda2.")
(compare 'Linda1 'Linda2 'highly-educated)
(my-print "Desired result: Linda 3 in between other two.")
(compare 'Linda2 'Linda3 'highly-educated)

(print "P12 loaded.")


; File P13.primacy
; Purpose: primacy effects
; Programmer: Paul Thagard
; Created : July, 1995

; To run incrementally, run 200 timesteps rather than stopping after
; asymptote.

(setq stop-setted? nil)
(setq *max-times* 400)

; condition 1: simultaneous presentation
(defun 13a ()
(clear-props 'jack1)
(observed 'Jack1 'intelligent)
(observed 'Jack1 'stubborn)
(associate 'intelligent 'effective 2)
(associate 'intelligent 'arrogant)
(associate 'effective 'likeable)
(associate 'arrogant 'unlikeable )
(associate 'likeable 'unlikeable -2)
(associate 'stubborn 'obstructive 2)
(associate 'stubborn 'persistent)
(associate 'persistent 'likeable)
(associate 'obstructive 'unlikeable)
(imp-run 'jack1)
(pl 'jack1)

; condition 2: intelligent, then stubborn

(defun 13b ()
(clear-props 'jack2)
(observed 'Jack2 'intelligent)
; stubborn delayed

(associate 'intelligent 'effective 2)
(associate 'intelligent 'arrogant)
(associate 'effective 'likeable)
(associate 'arrogant 'unlikeable )
(associate 'likeable 'unlikeable -2)
(imp-run 'jack2)
(pl 'jack2)
(setq *asymptoted-units* nil)
(observed 'Jack2 'stubborn)

(associate 'stubborn 'obstructive 2)
(associate 'stubborn 'persistent)
(associate 'persistent 'likeable)
(associate 'obstructive 'likeable)

(imp-run 'jack2)
(pl 'jack2)


; condition 3: stubborn, then intelligent

(defun 13c ()
(clear-props 'jack3)
; intelligent delayed
(observed 'Jack3 'stubborn)
(associate 'likeable 'unlikeable -2)
(associate 'stubborn 'obstructive 2)
(associate 'stubborn 'persistent)
(associate 'persistent 'likeable)
(associate 'obstructive 'unlikeable )
(imp-run 'jack3)
(pl 'jack3)
(setq *asymptoted-units* nil)
(observed 'Jack3 'intelligent)
(associate 'intelligent 'effective 2)
(associate 'intelligent 'arrogant)
(associate 'effective 'likeable)
(associate 'arrogant 'unlikeable )

(imp-run 'jack3)
(pl 'jack3)


(defun p13 ()
(13a) (13b) (13c)
(my-print "P13 desired result: Jack 1 more likeable than Jack3.")
(my-print " Jack1 less likeable than Jack2.")
(compare 'jack1 'jack2 'likeable)
(compare 'jack1 'jack3 'likeable)

(my-print "P13 loaded.")

(my-print "P8 LOADED")