; File: greedy.lisp
; Purpose: greedy algorithm for maximizing coherence;
; idea due to Toby Donaldson based on GSAT
; algorithm of Selman et al., Proc. AAAI-92.
; Programmer: Paul Thagard, 2-96

; GREEDY is an algorithm for approximating the most
; coherent solution. It starts
; with a randomly or otherwise generated solution,
; i.e. assignment
; to A and R. Then it repeatedly flips an element from
; A to R or R to A, based on a calculation of which
; flip will most increase the coherence score. It
; stops either when a maximum number of flips have
; taken place, or when flipping has ceased to increase
; the coherence score.


(defun greedy (max-flips)
(do ((solution (greedy-start))
(count-flips 1)
(best-weight-so-far 0)
((or (= count-flips max-flips) ; enough tries
(= best-weight-so-far (second solution))
; no progress in increasing coherence
(setq *greedy-solution* solution) ; return best solution
; repeat:
(my-print "Best solution at " count-flips " is " solution)
(setq best-weight-so-far (second solution))
(setq solution (best-flip solution))
(setq count-flips (1+ count-flips))

; GREEDY-START produces an initial solution.
; If the coherence mode is pure, this is randomly
; generated, even for the special element. If the
; mode is tempered, special is put into A, but is
; not flippable (see below). If the mode is
; tempered+, then all the favored elements are put
; into A, although they can still be flipped out. If the
; mode is foundational, then all the favored elements are
; put into A and cannot be flipped out.
; Greedy-start returns a solution of the form
; (1 %weight %number accepted-list rejected-list)

(defun greedy-start ()
(do ((elements (if (or (equal *eval-mode* 'foundational)
(equal *eval-mode* 'tempered+)
(set-difference *all-units* (get-favored))
; else
*all-units* ; everything random
(cdr elements)
(accepted (cond ((equal *eval-mode* 'tempered)
(list 'special)
((or (equal *eval-mode* 'foundational)
(equal *eval-mode* 'tempered+)
(cons 'special (get-favored))
(t nil) ; pure mode
(rejected nil)
((null elements) ; return
(cons 1 (append (coh-score (list 1 accepted rejected))
(list accepted rejected)

; repeat: Do random assignment of remaining.
(if (random-yes) (push (car elements) accepted)
(push (car elements) rejected)

; RANDOM-YES yields t or nil randomly.

(defun random-yes ()
(if (> (random 2) 0) 't

; BEST-FLIP figures out what element can best be flipped,
; i.e. moved from A to R or vice versa in a way that
; increases coherence more than flipping other elements.
; What elements are candidates for flipping depends on the
; mode. In case of ties, selection is random.
; It returns a solution. best-flips-so-far is a list
; of (element %weight)


(defun best-flip (solution)
(do ((flippables (flip-candidates) (cdr flippables))
(best-flips-so-far (list solution))
(new-candidate nil)
(to-flip nil)
((null flippables) ; return
(setq to-flip (caar (randomize best-flips-so-far)))
(my-print "Flipping " to-flip)
(flip to-flip solution)
; repeat
(setq new-candidate (flip-short (car flippables) solution))
(cond ((equal (better-solution new-candidate
(car best-flips-so-far)
'yes ; new one is better
(setq best-flips-so-far (list new-candidate)); replace
((equal (better-solution new-candidate
(car best-flips-so-far)
'tie ; no difference
(push new-candidate best-flips-so-far) ; add to list
) ; otherwise no change

; FLIP-CANDIDATES provides a list of candidates for
; flipping based on the mode. If coherence is
; foundational, favored elements are not flippable.
; If coherence is tempered or tempered+, then special is not flippable.
; If coherence is pure, everything is flippable.

(defun flip-candidates ()
(cond ((equal *eval-mode* 'pure) *all-units*) ;special?
((or (equal *eval-mode* 'tempered)
(equal *eval-mode* 'tempered+)
(remove 'special *all-units*)
((equal *eval-mode* 'foundational)
(set-difference *all-units* (get-favored))

; BETTER-SOLUTION determines whether a solution has
; a higher weight than another, reporting yes, no, or tie.

(defun better-solution (solution1 solution2)
(cond ((> (second solution1) (second solution2))
((< (second solution1) (second solution2))
(t 'tie)

; FLIP produces a new solution by taking an element and
; moving it from accepted to rejected or vice versa.

(defun flip (element solution)
(let (number accepted rejected)
(setq number (1+ (car solution)))
(cond ((member element (fourth solution)) ; accepted
(setq accepted (remove element (fourth solution)))
(setq rejected (cons element (fifth solution)))
(t (setq accepted (cons element (fourth solution))) ; rejected
(setq rejected (remove element (fifth solution)))
(cons number (append (coh-score (list number accepted rejected))
(list accepted rejected) ; return
; FLIP-SHORT does not produce a whole solution, just a list of
; the element flipped and its %weight score.

(defun flip-short (element solution)
(let (number accepted rejected)
(setq number (1+ (car solution)))
(cond ((member element (fourth solution)) ; accepted
(setq accepted (remove element (fourth solution)))
(setq rejected (cons element (fifth solution)))
(t (setq accepted (cons element (fourth solution))) ; rejected
(setq rejected (remove element (fifth solution)))
(cons element (coh-score (list number accepted rejected)))