; FILE: network.lisp
; PURPOSE: network operations for COHERE
; UPDATED: 6-23-2000




(defmacro activation (unit) `(get ,unit 'activation))
(defmacro prop (unit) `(get ,unit 'prop))
(defmacro original-activation (unit) `(get ,unit 'original-activation))
(defmacro facilitates (unit) `(get ,unit 'facilitates))
(defmacro facilitated-by (unit) `(get ,unit 'facilitated-by))
(defmacro contradicts (unit) `(get ,unit 'contradicts))
(defmacro new-activation (unit) `(get ,unit 'new-activation))
(defmacro links-from (unit) `(get ,unit 'links-from))
(defmacro plist (atm) `(symbol-plist ,atm))


; ****************************************

; CLEAR-PROPS clears a unit's property list.
(defun clear-props (atm)
(setf (symbol-plist atm) nil)

; ****************************************

; CLEAR-NET starts the beginning of a run by cleaning up the
; results of past runs.


(defun clear-net ()
(unless *silent-run?* (my-print '"Clearing net."))
(setq *stop-run?* nil)
; clear all property lists:
(clear-props 'special)
(mapcar #'clear-props *all-units*)
(mapcar #'clear-props *all-valence-units*)
(unless *silent-run?* (my-print "Units cleared."))
(setq *total-times* 1)
(setq *total-links* 0)
(setq *all-units* nil)
(setq *all-data* nil)
(setq *asymptoted-units* nil)
(setq *all-propositions* nil)
(setq *all-supergoals* nil)
(setq *all-subgoals* nil)
(setq *all-basic-goals* nil)
(setq *contradictions* nil)
(setq *settled?* nil)
(mapcar #'clear-struc *all-structures*) ; for ACME
(setq *all-units* nil)
(setq *all-valence-units* nil) ; for HOTCO
(setq *evaluation-units* nil) ; for HOTCO 2
(setq *all-xs* nil *all-xsit* nil) ; for expln. schemas
(unless *silent-run?* (my-print "Network cleared."))


; ********************************************
; ********************************************

; NOTE-UNIT sets the global variables indicating a unit has been added.
(defun note-unit (unit)
(setf (activation unit) *init-activ*)
(pushnew unit *all-units*)

; MAKE-SYM-LINKS creates symmetric links between all of the members of a set
; of units.
(defun make-sym-links (list-of-units weight)
(do ((units list-of-units (cdr units)))
((null units) nil)
(dolist (unit (cdr units))
(make-sym-link (car units) unit weight)

; MAKE-SYM-LINK sets up a symmetric link between units.
; Important to make no links from unit to itself, and don't clobber
; excitatory links with inhibitory ones.
; Excitatory links sum, but inhibitory don't.
(defun make-sym-link (unit1 unit2 weight)
(cond ( (and (not (eq unit1 unit2))
(>= (weight-of-link-between unit1 unit2) 0)
; then:
(make-link unit1 unit2 weight)
(make-link unit2 unit1 weight)


; MAKE-LINK sets up a 1-way link. It adds the weight to whatever
; weight (initially 0) was on the link.
(defun make-link (unit1 unit2 weight)
(let (old)
(cond ((setq old (assoc unit2 (links-from unit1)))
(nsubstitute (cons unit2 (+ weight (cdr old))) old
(links-from unit1)
(setf (links-from unit1)
(acons unit2 weight (links-from unit1)))
(setq *total-links* (1+ *total-links*))



; WEIGHT-OF-LINK-BETWEEN finds the value of a link between two units.
(defun weight-of-link-between (unit1 unit2)
(or (cdr (assoc unit2 (links-from unit1))) 0)

(defun WEIGHT_OF_LINK_BETWEEN (unit1 unit2)
(weight-of-link-between unit1 unit2))

; ***************************************
; ***************************************

; RUN-EXP is the top-level function. It is called from the data file,
; usually as the last command. It sets the activation of the special unit,
; settles the network (by calling RUN-HYP-NET), and prints out the results.
(defun run-exp ()
(print-si "Running COHERE connectionist algorithm.")
(setf (activation 'special) *special-activation*)
(my-print " *****")
(unless *silent-run?*

; RUN-HYP-NET is the main loop, used for settling the network. For each
; cycle it updates the activations of the units, checks for assymptoted
; units, and prints out useful information on it's status.
(defun run-hyp-net ()
; (unless *silent-run?* (print-values))
(setq *testnum* (gensym "test"))
(do ((timestep 1 (+ 1 timestep))
(units *all-units*)
(old-asymptoted nil)
( (or *stop-run?*
(and *stop-settled?* *settled?*) ; network has settled
(> timestep *max-times*)
(and (print-run 'verbose)
(if *silent-run?* (my-print '"Run finished. "))
(if *grossberg?* ; use Grossberg's updating rule.
(mapcar #'update-unit-activn-gross units)
; else use Rumelhart & McClelland rule:
(mapcar #'update-unit-activn
(set-difference units *evaluation-units*)
; note 6-23-2000 - remove evaluation units to prevent
; duplicate their updating
(update-valences) ; used by HOTCO - does evaluation units too
(setq *settled?* t) ; has network reached asymptote?
; this turns nil if unit not asymptoted.
(setq old-asymptoted *asymptoted-units*)
(setq *asymptoted-units* nil)
(mapcar #'fix-activation units)
(fix-valences) ; used by HOTCO
(unless *silent-run?*
(mapcar #'announce-asymptote
(set-difference *asymptoted-units* old-asymptoted)
(if (and *stop-settled?* *settled?* (not *silent-run?*))
(my-print '"Network has settled by cycle " *total-times* ".")
;(if (member timestep *when-to-print*) (print-propns))

; for graphics:
(if *use-actgraph* (show-act))
; (if *trace-list* (update-trace)) ;?????????

(setq *total-times* (+ *total-times* 1))





; UPDATE-UNIT-ACTIVN updates the activation of a unit based on the
; links it has.
(defun update-unit-activn (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) min max + * -)
(ftype (function (float float) symbol) >))
(let ((net-input-value (net-input unit)))
(declare (type (float) net-input-value))
(setf (new-activation unit)
(min *max-activation*
(max *min-activation*
(+ (* (activation unit) (- 1.0 *decay-amount*))
(if (> net-input-value 0.0)
(* net-input-value
(- *max-activation* (activation unit))
; else:
(* net-input-value
(- (activation unit) *min-activation*)


; NET-INPUT is the weighted sum of output from all input units.
(defun net-input (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) max + *))
(do ((links (links-from unit) (cdr links))
(result 0.0)
((null links) result)
(declare (type (float) result))
(setq result (+ (* (float (cdar links))
(max *output-threshold* (activation (caar links)))


; FIX-ACTIVATION records the new activation and notes if the unit
; has reached asymptote.
(defun fix-activation (unit)
(cond ((and *stop-settled?*
(< (abs (- (new-activation unit)
(activation unit)
(>= *total-times* *min-settle*)
(setq *asymptoted-units* (cons unit *asymptoted-units*))
(t (setq *settled?* nil))
; (my-print "Unit: " unit ", difference: " (- (new-activation unit)
; (activation unit)))
(setf (activation unit) (new-activation unit))


; ANNOUNCE-ASYMPTOTE informs the user of any units recently asymptoted.
(defun announce-asymptote (unit)
(my-print "Unit " unit " reached asymptote at cycle "
*total-times* " with activation "
(new-activation unit) "."


; UPDATE-UNIT-ACTIVN-GROSS updates the activation of a unit based on the
; links it has, using Grossberg's rule that treats excitation and
; inhibition separately.
; Uses global variables *current-excit* and *current-inhib*
(defun update-unit-activn-gross (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) + - * min max))
; calculate excitation and inhibition.
(if *tversky?*
(excit-and-inhib-tversky unit)
(excit-and-inhib unit)
(setf (new-activation unit)
(min *max-activation*
(max *min-activation*
(+ (* (activation unit) (- 1.0 *decay-amount*))
(* (- *max-activation* (activation unit)) *current-excit*)
(* (- (activation unit) *min-activation*) *current-inhib*)

; EXCIT-AND-INHIB is just like net-input, except that it keeps track
; of excitation and inhibition separately. EXCIT-AND-INHIB-TVERSKY is
; identical except that units with negative activation can pull down
; their excitatory neighbors.
(defun excit-and-inhib (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) max + *)
(ftype (function (float float) symbol) >))
(do ((excit 0.0) (inhib 0.0) (wt 0.0) (activn 0.0)
(links (links-from unit) (cdr links))
((null links)
(setq *current-excit* excit)
(setq *current-inhib* inhib)
(declare (type (float) excit inhib wt activn))
(setq wt (float (cdar links)))
(setq activn (max *output-threshold* (activation (caar links))))
(if (> wt 0.0)
(setq excit (+ excit (* wt activn)))
; else wt is inhibitory:
(setq inhib (+ inhib (* wt activn)))

(defun excit-and-inhib-tversky (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) max + *)
(ftype (function (float float) symbol) >))
(do ((excit 0.0) (inhib 0.0) (wt 0.0)
(links (links-from unit) (cdr links))
((null links)
(setq *current-excit* excit)
(setq *current-inhib* inhib)
(declare (type (float) excit inhib wt))
(setq wt (float (cdar links)))
(if (> wt 0)
(setq excit (+ excit (* wt (activation (caar links)))))
; else wt is inhibitory:
(setq inhib (+ inhib (* wt (max *output-threshold*
(activation (caar links))



; these will be resolved during compilation




(defun devowel (name)
(do ((tname (coerce (princ-to-string name) 'list) tname)
(vowels '(#\A #\E #\I #\O #\U) (cdr vowels))
(cvowel '#\A (car vowels))
((null cvowel) tname)
(setq tname (remove cvowel tname :test #'equal))


(defun rep (value count)
"Make a list consisting of COUNT elements of VALUE."
(make-sequence 'list count :initial-element value)