; File: metacoherence.lisp
; Purpose: metacoherence algorithms
; Programmer: Paul Thagard, 10-97
; See also measure.lisp and cohere.lisp

(defvar *emotion-nodes* '(coherence surprise incoherence happiness anxiety sadness)) ; + fear disgust anger

; METACO takes a settled HOTCO network and applies various metacoherence and emotional functions

(defun metaco ()
(coherence-nodes) ; activate nodes for overall coherence
(surprise-node) ; activate node for overall surpise
(valence-nodes) ; activated nodes for overall valence - happiness, sadness
;(fear-node) ; activate node for fear
;(disgust-node) ; activate node for disgust
;(anger-node) ; activate node for anger
(update-emotions) ; adjust emotions in relation to each other and bodily input

(defun update-emotions ()
(setf *all-units* *emotion-nodes*)
(setf *settled?* nil)
(mapcar #'pl *emotion-nodes*)


(defun initialize-emotions ()
(dolist (node *emotion-nodes*)
(unless (get node 'activation)
(setf (get node 'activation) *default-activ*) .01


; EMOTION-NETWORK creates a network of inhibitory and excitatory units representing
; emotion nodes.
; This could be expanded to include variables for bodily states like heart rate.

(defun emotion-network ()
(associate 'coherence 'incoherence -1)
(associate 'coherence 'happiness 1)
(associate 'incoherence 'anxiety 1)
(associate 'happiness 'sadness -1)
(associate 'happiness 'anxiety -1)


; COHERENCE-NODES measures coherence of a solution in a connectionist fashion.
; Each node reports to nodes COHERENCE and INCOHERENCE. If a unit is active,
; then the number of constraints satisfied activate the COHERENCE node,
; and the number of constraints unsatisfied activated the INCOHERENCE node.
; (A more complicated way of doing this might use goodness.)
; Perhaps the contribution of a unit to coherence should be a factor of both its activation
; and its degree of constraint satisfaction.
; Perhaps this could use *all-units* instead of just active units.
; No - want to measure the coherence of the accepted part of the solution.

(defun coherence-nodes ()
(let ((active-units (active-units)))
(do ((units active-units (cdr units))
(net-size (length active-units)) ; normalize
(coh-value 0) ; contribution to coherence: measure of constraint satisfaction
(incoh-value 0) ; contribution to incoherence: measure of constraints not satisfied
(constraint-satisfaction nil) ; list of two numbers representing weights of constraints satisfied and not satisfied
;exit: activate coherence nodes
((null units)
(setf (get 'coherence 'activation) (/ coh-value net-size))
(setf (get 'incoherence 'activation) (/ incoh-value net-size))
(setf constraint-satisfaction (evaluate-constraints (car units))) ; look at constraints satisfied and not satisfied
; (my-print (car units) constraint-satisfaction)
(setf coh-value
(+ coh-value
(first constraint-satisfaction)
(setf incoh-value
(+ incoh-value
(second constraint-satisfaction)

; ACTIVE-UNITS lists units with positive activation.
(defun active-units ()
(let ((result nil))
(dolist (unit *all-units* result)
(if (plusp (get unit 'activation))
(push unit result)

; EVALUATE-CONSTRAINTS reports for a unit how well it's contraints are satisfied.
; Unlike coh-score from cohere.lisp, it is unit-oriented instead of constraint oriented.
; The solution used here is by default the connectionist one, but other solutions could also be
; used. Returns a list: (coherence-value incoherence-value).
; Both values reflect activation as well as constraints satisfied.

(defun evaluate-constraints (unit)
(do ((links (links-from unit) (cdr links))
(weight-sat 0) ; weight of satisfied constraints
(weight-not-sat 0) ; weight of unsatisfied constraints
(accepted (fourth *connect-solution*)) ; default
(rejected (fifth *connect-solution*))
(link nil)
; exit
((null links) (list weight-sat weight-not-sat)) ; return total weights
; repeat
(setf link (car links))
(if (plusp (cons-satisfied (cons unit link) accepted rejected))
; constraint is satisfied - function is from cohere.lisp
(setf weight-sat
(+ weight-sat (abs (cdr link)))
; else constraint not satisfied
(setf weight-not-sat
(+ weight-not-sat (abs (cdr link)))

; VALENCE-NODES uses two nodes to sum up the overall valence of accepted
; units. Each active unit with postive valence passes it to the happiness node. ;
; Each active unit with negative valence passes it to the sadness node.
; Activation passed is proportional to the activation of the node. Cf. expected utility.

(defun valence-nodes ()
(let ((active-units (active-units)))
(do ((units active-units (cdr units))
(net-size (length active-units)) ; normalize
(pos-valence 0)
(neg-valence 0)
(unit-valence 0)
;exit: activate valence nodes
((null units)
(setf (get 'happiness 'activation) (/ pos-valence net-size))
(setf (get 'sadness 'activation) (/ neg-valence net-size))
(setf unit-valence (or (get (car units) 'valence) 0)) ; check that unit has valence
(if (plusp (get (car units) 'valence)) ; positive valence
(setf pos-valence
(* (+ pos-valence unit-valence)
(get (car units) 'activation)
; else negative valence
(setf neg-valence
(* (+ neg-valence unit-valence)
(get (car units) 'activation)



; STORE-ACTIVATIONS stores the activations from a connectionist run in order to
; notice surprise when successive runs produce different answers.

(defvar *stored-activations* nil "Stores activations of a run for comparison.")

(defun store-activations ()
(do ((units *all-units* (cdr units)))
((null units) (my-print "Activations stored."))
(setq *stored-activations*
(acons (car units)
(get (car units) 'new-activation)

; SURPRISE-NODE looks for changes in activation from one run to the next, with the
; total sum of surprise being used to activate the surprise node.

(defun surprise-node ()
(do ((units *all-units* (cdr units))
(sum-activation-change 0) ; total amount of activation difference
((null units)
(setf (get 'surprise 'activation) sum-activation-change)
(setf sum-activation-change
(+ sum-activation-change
(actdiff (get (car units) 'new-activation)
(get-stored-activation (car units))

; SIGN-DIFFERENCE returns t if one number is greater than 0 and the other is less.
(defun sign-difference (num1 num2)
(or (and (> num1 0) (< num2 0))
(and (< num1 0) (> num2 0))

; GET-STORED-ACTIVATION gets an activation from the association list *stored-activations*.

(defun get-stored-activation (unit)
(or (cdr (assoc unit *stored-activations*))
(get unit 'activation) ; no previous run

; ACTDIFF gives the absolute difference between two activation values, which gets
; tricky if one is positive and the other negative.

(defun actdiff (n1 n2)
(if (sign-difference n1 n2) ; + and -
(+ (abs n1) (abs n2))
; else same signs
(abs (- n1 n2))


; HOW-COHERENT looks at the global coherence of a solution.
; It considers both the non-connectionist measure based on coh-score
; and the connectionist measure based on mean goodness (harmony).


(defun how-coherent ()
(my-print "Connectionist solution is " *connect-solution*)
(my-print "This solution satisfies constraints:")
(my-print " Weight: " (second *connect-solution*))
(my-print " Constraints: " (third *connect-solution*))
(my-print "The mean goodness of units is: " (mean-goodness *all-units*))
(my-print "The mean goodness of active units is: " (mean-goodness (active-units)))
(my-print "The overall suprise was " (surprise))

(defun hc () (how-coherent))

; SURPRISE looks for changes in activation from one run to the next.
; It's more global than surprise-node, and it only counts units whose activation has changed sign.

(defun surprise ()
(do ((units *all-units* (cdr units))
(changed-units nil) ; units changing acceptance status
(sum-activation-change 0) ; total amount of activation difference
((null units)
(my-print (length changed-units) " changed: " changed-units)
(my-print "Total activation change: " sum-activation-change)
(if (sign-difference (get (car units) 'new-activation)
(get-stored-activation (car units))
(push (car units) changed-units)
(setf sum-activation-change
(+ sum-activation-change
(actdiff (get (car units) 'new-activation)
(get-stored-activation (car units))