; FILE: IMP.lisp
; PURPOSE: basic functions for IMP, program for modelling impression formation
; Created Paul Thagard, 10-94
; This is based directly on DECO, and replaces SACS.lisp.



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; OBSERVED notes that a person has a particular feature, which may be a stereotype
; trait, or behavior. Degree is an optional factor that indicates to what
; degree the person has the feature.

(defun observed (person feature &optional (degree 1))
(note-unit feature)
(addfeature person feature)
(make-sym-link 'special feature (* degree *excit-weight*))
(print-si person " is observed as: " feature " with degree " degree)

; ADDFEATURE lists the feature on the person atom.
(defun addfeature (person feature)
(setf (get person 'features)
(pushnew feature (get person 'features))

; ASSOCIATE establishes the positive and negative links between
; positively and negatively associated features.
; Positive associations are multiples of *excit-weight*.
; Negative associations are multiples of *inhib-weight*

(defun associate (feature1 feature2 &optional (degree 1))
(let ((weight (if (> degree 0) (* *excit-weight* degree)
(* *inhib-weight* degree -1) ; negative association
(print-si feature1 " is associated with " feature2 " to degree " degree)
(make-sym-link feature1 feature2 weight)
(note-unit feature1) (note-unit feature2)

; IMP-RUN runs an experimental condition. The person should be the same
; as that indicated in the OBSERVED input.

(defun imp-run (person)
(my-print "Forming impression of " person)
; (graph *all-units*)
(store-results person)

; STORE-RESULTS notes the final activation values for all
; potential features of the person.

(defun store-results (person)
(dolist (unit *all-units*)
(setf (get person unit)
(activation unit)

; COMPARE provides an easy way to compare the results across conditions.
; Each condition is associated with a different name, and the
; important features are the ones to be compared.

(defun compare (person1 person2 feature)
(my-print person1 " is " feature " to degree " (get person1 feature))
(my-print person2 " is " feature " to degree " (get person2 feature))
(my-print "The difference is " (- (get person1 feature)
(get person2 feature))