; FILE: hotco.lisp
; PURPOSE: Emotional coherence
; PROGRAMMER: Paul Thagard
; CREATED: July 7, 1997
; UPDATED: 1-28-1998
; UPDATED: 6-21-2000, for HOTCO 2


; Remarks. In ACME, IMP, ECHO, activation(unit)=f(activations inputs).
; In EMOCO, valence(unit)=f(activations and valences of inputs).
; Wishful thinking would be: activation(unit)=f(activations and valences)
; - weaker version implemented in HOTCO 2
; Activation represents confidence (truth).
; Valence represents desirability (utility).

; HOTCO sets up variables for running emotional coherence.

(defun hot ()
(setq *emote* t)
(setf (get 'special 'valence) 0)
(my-print "Running in HOT cognition mode.")


; VALENCE-UNIT creates a new unit if necessary and provides it with
; valence links to a specified list of units.
; This can also be used to create a special unit that gives emotional
; support to the specified list of elements.
; The unitlist consists of pairs (unit magnitude) where magnitude
; indicates the strength of the emotional connection between the units.
; This function provides valence inputs to somatically linked units,
; and also can be used to establish an output unit to be evaluated.
; The type is either input or output.

(defun valence-unit (unit unitlist)
(pushnew unit *all-valence-units*)
(pushnew unit *all-structures*)
; initialize valence and activation
(cond ((equal unit 'valence-special)
(setf (get unit 'valence) 1.0)
(setf (get unit 'activation) 1.0)
(setf (get 'valence-special 'valence) 1)
(t (setf (get unit 'valence) 0.01) ; else low default
(setf (get unit 'activation) .01)
(pushnew unit *all-units*) ; for HOTCO 2
(dolist (pair unitlist)
(my-print "Valence link of magnitude " (second pair)
" between " unit " and " (first pair)
; initialize valences
(setf (get (first pair) 'valence) 0.01)
; make the valence links
(valence-link unit (first pair) (second pair))
(pushnew (first pair) *all-valence-units*)
(pushnew (first pair) *all-units*) ; for HOTCO 2

; VALENCE-LINK adds a valence link between two units.

(defun valence-link (unit1 unit2 magnitude)
(let ((valence-weight (* magnitude *valence-weight*)))
(make-valence-link unit1 unit2 valence-weight)
(make-valence-link unit2 unit1 valence-weight)




(defmacro valence (unit) `(get ,unit 'valence))

(defmacro new-valence (unit) `(get ,unit 'new-valence))

(defmacro valence-links (unit) `(get ,unit 'valence-links))

(defun show-valence ()
(mapcar #'print-plist *all-valence-units*)


(defun make-valence-link (unit1 unit2 weight)
(setf (get unit1 'valence-links)
(acons unit2 weight (valence-links unit1))
(pushnew unit1 *all-valence-units*)
(pushnew unit2 *all-valence-units*)

; UPDATE-VALENCES is called within RUN-HYP-NET to update valences
; if *emote* is turned on. Like activations, valences can range between
; 1 and -1.

(defun update-valences ()
(if *emote* (mapcar #'update-valence
(union *all-units*
(remove 'valence-special *all-valence-units*)
; for HOTCO 2
(if *emote* (mapcar #'update-eval-activn *evaluation-units*))

; VALENCE-INPUT differs from NET-INPUT in that it combines both
; activation and valence. If unit1 is valence linked to unit2, then
; the valence of unit1 is affected by a multiplicative
; combination of the valence and the activation of unit2.
; Note that the updating of valence to new-valence takes place
; in FIX-VALENCES which ensures asynchronous updating - the valence
; of a unit is updated based on the valences and activations of units
; at the last timestep.

(defun update-valence (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) min max + * -)
(ftype (function (float float) symbol) >))
(let ((net-valence-value (valence-input unit)))
(declare (type (float) net-valence-value))
(setf (new-valence unit)
(min *max-activation*
(max *min-activation*
(+ (* (valence2 unit) (- 1.0 *decay-amount*))
(if (> net-valence-value 0.0)
(* net-valence-value
(- *max-activation* (valence2 unit))
; else:
(* net-valence-value
(- (valence2 unit) *min-activation*)

; VALENCE2 is a kludge to cover cases where units do not have
; any valence to start with.

(defun valence2 (unit)
(or (get unit 'valence)


; VALENCE-INPUT differs from NET-INPUT in that it combines both
; activation and valence. If unit1 is valence linked to unit2, then
; the valence of unit1 is affected by a multiplicative
; combination of the valence of unit2, the activation of unit2,
; and the weigth between unit1 and unit2.
; Note that the input links include BOTH explicit valence links
; and the regular activation links.
; 12-1-98: Fixed so that valence comes from valence links if
; they exist, and activation links otherwise.

(defun valence-input (unit)
(do ((links (union (get unit 'valence-links)
(get unit 'links-from) ; activation links
(cdr links)
(result 0.0)
((null links) result)
(setq result (+ (* (float (cdar links))
(or (activation (caar links)) .01)
(or (valence (caar links)) .01)
;(my-print (car links) " RES " result)



; FIX-VALENCES is analogous to FIX-ACTIVATION, ensuring
; asynchronous updating - the valence
; of a unit is updated based on the valences and activations of units
; at the last timestep.

(defun fix-valences ()
(if *emote*
(dolist (unit (union (remove 'valence-special *all-valence-units*)
(setf (valence unit) (new-valence unit))


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; HOTCO 2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; In the original HOTCO, activations influenced valences but not vice versa.
; In HOTCO, valences can influence activations for a special subset of units
; called "evaluation units" which intrinsically involve an evaluation.
; For example, the truth of "OJ is good" is linked with the valence of OJ.

; UPDATE-EVAL-ACTIVN updates the activation of an evaluation unit based on the
; links it has. It differs from UPDATE-UNIT-ACTIVN in that
; the activation of a unit is a function of both its net input activation
; AND its net valence activation. Here an average is taken.

(defun update-eval-activn (unit)
(declare (ftype (function (&rest float) float) min max + * -)
(ftype (function (float float) symbol) >))
(let ((net-input-value (net-eval-input unit)))
(declare (type (float) net-input-value))
(setf (new-activation unit)
(min *max-activation*
(max *min-activation*
(+ (* (activation unit) (- 1.0 *decay-amount*))
(if (> net-input-value 0.0)
(* net-input-value
(- *max-activation* (activation unit))
; else:
(* net-input-value
(- (activation unit) *min-activation*)

; NET-EVAL-INPUT combines activation and valence input

(defun net-eval-input (ut)
(+ (net-input ut) (valence-input ut))