; File: cohere.lisp
; Purpose: combine coherence programs and test different algorithms
; Programmer: Paul Thagard, 5-95
; variables - see variables.lisp
; EVAL-COHERE compares 4 different algorithms for accepting
and rejecting
; elements based on coherence.
; 1. COH-COUNT generates all possible solutions and ranks the
ones that
; best maximize the total weight W of constraints.
; 2. COH-POINT-5 is an incremental approximation algorithm that
guarantees that at
; least .5 of the achievable W will be achieved.
; 3. COH-POINT-878 is an approximation algorithm that guarantees
that at
; least .878 of the achievable W will be achieved. Not implemented
; 4. CONNECT-SOLUTION uses a connectionist algorithm to accept
and reject elements.
; This function assumes that a network of constraints has already
been set up by
; ECHO, DECO, ACME, IMP, or other coherence program.
; 5. GREEDY uses a greedy algorithm to maximize coherence.
; For emotional coherence, HOTCO, only exhaustive and connectionist
algorithms are used.
(defun EVAL-COHERE ()
(my-print "=====================")
(my-print "Evaluating coherence for problem " *problem*
" in mode " *eval-mode*)
(time (coh-count *eval-mode*)) ; mode is pure, tempered, or
(time (coh-point-5))
(time (greedy *greedy-flips*)) ; use greedy algorithm with
# flips
(time (connect-solution))
(my-print "*********************")
(my-print "Elements: " *all-units*)
(my-print "Constraints: " *all-constraints*)
(my-print "Coherence solutions selected for problem: "
(my-print "solution %weight %constraints accepted rejected")
(my-print "Exhaustive solution(s):")
(print-solutions *count-solution*)
(my-print "Incremental solution:")
(my-print *point-5-solution*)
(my-print "Greedy solution:")
(my-print *greedy-solution*)
(my-print "Connectionist solution: ")
(my-print *connect-solution*)
(defun pure ()
(setq *eval-mode* 'pure)
(setq *special-activation* *init-activ*) ; set to .01
(defun temp ()
(setq *eval-mode* 'tempered)
(setq *special-activation* *special-register*) ; back to 1
(defun found ()
(setq *eval-mode* 'foundational)
(setq *special-activation* *special-register*)
) ; and *all-data* too.
;==================== COH-COUNT ===========================
; COH-COUNT does coherence maximization in the intractably
; exhaustive way. A solution is a list (number %1 %2 accepted-list
; where number is the number of the solution, %1 is the decimal
fraction of
; the total weight of constraints satisfied, and %2 is the fraction
; the total number of constraints satisfied.
; Coherence can be counted in one of three modes:
; Pure: no favored elements.
; Tempered: favored elements linked to special unit, which is
; Foundational: all favored elements are accepted.
(defun coh-count (mode)
(my-print "Computing coherence using the exhaustive counting
(let ((solutions (gen-solutions mode))
(best nil)
(setq *all-constraints* (list-constraints *all-units*))
(setq solutions (coh-score-all solutions))
(print-solutions solutions)
(setq best (best-solution solutions))
(my-print "Best counting solution(s): " (print-solutions
(if (and (car solutions)
(= (second (car solutions)) (second (second
solutions))) ; tie
(my-print "NOTE: " (length best) "
solutions are tied.")
(setq *count-solution* best)
; GEN-SOLUTIONS generates all possible partitions of a set
of units into
; accepted and rejected. The input *all-units* comes from ECHO
; other coherence program.
(defun gen-solutions (mode)
(my-print "There are "
(setq *num-solutions* (expt 2 (length *all-units*)))
" pure solutions to " *problem*
(my-print "Generating solutions in " mode "
(if (equal mode 'foundational)
(my-print "There are "
(setq *num-solutions*
(expt 2 (length (set-difference *all-units*
" foundational solutions to " *problem*
(cond ((> *num-solutions* *max-num-solutions*)
nil ; quit if too big
; otherwise loop:
(do ((element-lists (powerlist *all-units*) (cdr element-lists))
(result nil)
(count 1 (1+ count))
(favored (get-favored))
(accepted-els nil)
((null element-lists) result) ; return
; repeat:
(unless (and (equal mode 'foundational) ; if foundational,
ignore solutions that
(not (subsetp favored (car element-lists)))
; don't accept favored elements
(push (list count ; number of solution
; accepted elements:
(setq accepted-els
(cond ((equal mode 'pure) (car element-lists))
((equal mode 'tempered)
(cons 'special (car element-lists))
; special is accepted
((equal mode 'foundational)
; favored are accepted
(cons 'special (union favored
(car element-lists)))
; rejected elements:
(set-difference *all-units* accepted-els)
; rejected
) ; end do
)) ; end cond
; GET-FAVORED returns a list of all favored elements, i.e. ones with links to SPECIAL
(defun get-favored ()
(mapcar #'car (links-from 'special))
; COH-SCORE-ALL revises a list of solutions of the form (number
accepted rejected)
; and returns a ranked list of the form (number %weight %constraints
accepted rejected)
; The score is a list of the two %.
(defun coh-score-all (lst)
(setq *weight-of-all-constraints* (sum-constraints))
(do ((input lst (cdr input))
(output nil)
(score nil)
((null input) (sort-solutions output)) ; return
; repeat:
(setq score (coh-score (car input)))
(push (list (caar input) ; number
(car score) ; %weight
(second score) ; %constraints
(second (car input)) ; accepted
(third (car input)) ; rejected
; SORT-SOLUTIONS sorts a list of solutions according to %weight satisfied.
(defun sort-solutions (lst)
(sort lst #'> :key #'second)
; LIST-CONSTRAINTS generates a list of all constraints using
the links associated
; with each unit (element) in a list. Each constraint has the
; (unit1 unit2 weight). To avoid duplicating constraints (the
links are
; symmetrical), it ignores constraints with units already checked.
(defun list-constraints (list-of-units)
(do ((units list-of-units (cdr units))
(constraints nil)
(unit nil)
(units-done nil)
) ; variables
((null units) constraints) ; result
; repeat:
(dolist (link (get (car units) 'links-from))
(setq unit (car link))
(unless (member unit units-done) ; constraint already
(push (cons (car units) link) constraints)
(push (car units) units-done)
; SUM-CONSTRAINTS calculates the sum of all the weights on the
(defun sum-constraints ()
(apply #'+ (mapcar #'abs-third *all-constraints*))
; ABS-THIRD takes the absolute value of the third of a list
; third function doesn't work because a link is a dotted pair
(defun abs-third (lst)
(abs (cddr lst))
; COH-SCORE calculates the coherence scores
; of a set of units partitioned into accepted and
; rejected. It returns a list of two scores
; %weight - the fraction of the total weight satisfied
; %constraints - the fraction of total constraints satisfied
; Input is a triple (number accepted rejected)
(defun coh-score (solution)
(let ((num-satisfied 0)
(weights-satisfied 0)
(num-constraints (length *all-constraints*))
(constraint-weight 0)
(dolist (constraint *all-constraints*)
(setq constraint-weight
(cons-satisfied constraint (second solution) (third
(if (> constraint-weight 0)
; if constraint is satisfied by the accepted/rejected
partition, then
(and (setq num-satisfied (1+ num-satisfied))
(setq weights-satisfied (+ constraint-weight
(list (roundoff 3 (float (/ weights-satisfied *weight-of-all-constraints*)))
; %weight
(roundoff 3 (float (/ num-satisfied num-constraints)))
; %constraints
(defun roundoff (places num)
"Rounds NUM to PLACES decimal places."
(cond ((eq places 0) (round num))
(t (/ (round (* num (expt 10.0 places))) (expt 10.0 places)))
; CONS-SATISFIED checks to see if a constraint is satisfied,
where a constraint
; has the forum (unit1 unit2 weight). If the weight is positive,
then the units
; should be either both accepted or both rejected. If the weight
is negative,
; then one unit should be accepted and the other rejected.
; Number returned is 0 if constraint is not satisfied, and
; the weight on the contrainst unless the constraint is positive
; both elements accepted and *resolution-impact* is > 1.
(defun cons-satisfied (const acc rej)
(cond ((and (> (cddr const) 0) ; positive constraint affirmatively
(member (first const) acc)
(member (second const) acc)
(* (cddr const) *resonance-impact*) ; add resonance
((and (> (cddr const) 0) ; positive constraint negatively
(member (first const) rej)
(member (second const) rej)
(cddr const)
; else negative constraint:
((and (< (cddr const) 0) ; negative constraint
(or (and (member (first const) acc)
(member (second const) rej)
(and (member (first const) rej)
(member (second const) acc)
(abs-third const) ; absolute value of weight
(t 0) ; otherwise 0
(defun reson (num)
(setq *resonance-impact* num)
; PRINT-SOLUTIONS prints *show-solutions* out neatly
(defun print-solutions (lst)
(do ((solutions lst (cdr solutions))
(count 1 (1+ count))
((or (> count *show-solutions*) (null solutions))
(terpri) (my-print "No more than " *show-solutions*
" solutions are shown.")
(print (car solutions))
; BEST-SOLUTION prints out the best solution, or the best solutions if there are ties.
(defun best-solution (solns)
(if (null solns) nil
(do ((solutions (cdr solns) (cdr solutions))
(result (list (car solns)))
((/= (second (car solns)) (second (car solutions))) ; no
(sort (mapcar #'resonate result) #'> :key #'last-el)
; return ordered by resonance
; repeat
(push (car solutions) result)
; RESONATE assesses the resonance of a solution, i.e. the extent
to which
; it accepts elements that positively constrain each other.
; The resonance becomes the sixth entry in the solution.
(defun resonate (soln)
(do ((accepted (fourth soln) (cdr accepted))
(count 0)
((null accepted) (append soln (list count))) ; return
; repeat
(setq count (+ count ; count number of positivley linked
accepted units
(length (intersection (linked-to (car accepted)
(cdr accepted)
; LINKED-TO returns the units linked to a given unit, selecting
; positive, negative or all
(defun linked-to (unit selection)
(do ((links (links-from unit) (cdr links))
(result nil)
((null links) result) ; return
; repeat
(cond ((and (equal selection 'positive)
(> (cdr (car links)) 0)
(push (caar links) result)
((and (equal selection 'negative)
(< (cdr (car links)) 0)
(push (caar links) result)
((equal selection 'all)
(push (caar links) result)
) ; include all units linked
; =============== Karsten's approximating algorithm ===========
; COH-POINT-5 uses a serial algorithm to accept or reject units.
(defun coh-point-5 ()
(my-print "Computing coherence using incremental algorithm.")
(do ((units (randomize *all-units*) (cdr units)) ; put units
in random order
(accepted '(special))
(rejected nil)
(unit nil)
(units-done nil)
) ; variables
((null units) ; result
(setq *point-5-solution*
(cons 'incremental (append (coh-score (list 'incremental
accepted rejected))
(list accepted rejected)
(my-print "Incremental algorithm chose solution "
(setq unit (car units))
(push unit units-done)
(if (>= (coh* (cons unit accepted) rejected units-done)
(coh* accepted (cons unit rejected) units-done)
) ; coherence is greater if unit is accepted
(and (my-print "Accepting " unit)
(push unit accepted)
; else reject unit
(and (push unit rejected)
(my-print "Rejecting " unit)
; RANDOMIZE rewrites a list in random order
(defun randomize (list)
(do ((lst list )
(num-list nil) ; association list
(result nil)
(selected nil)
(total 0)
((null lst) result) ; return
; repeat
(setq num-list (assoc-nums lst)) ; make new association
(setq total (length lst))
(setq selected (cdr (assoc (random total) num-list)))
; select random pair
(push selected result)
(setq lst (remove selected lst))
; ASSOC-NUMS produces an association list of (number unit).
This is like make-units
; above.
(defun assoc-nums (list)
(do ((lst list (cdr lst))
(result nil)
(num 0 (1+ num))
((null lst) result) ; return
(setq result (acons num (car lst) result))
; COH* calculates the coherence of a set of units partitioned
into accepted and
; rejected.
(defun coh* (acc rej all)
(let ((num-satisfied 0)
(constraints (list-constraints all))
(num-constraints 0)
(dolist (constraint constraints )
(if (cons-satisfied* constraint acc rej)
(setq num-satisfied (1+ num-satisfied))
(setq num-constraints (length constraints))
(if (zerop num-constraints) 1 ; else
(float (/ num-satisfied num-constraints))
; CONS-SATISFIED* is like cons-satisfied.
(defun cons-satisfied* (const acc rej)
(if (> (cddr const) 0) ; positive constraint
(or (and (member (first const) acc)
(member (second const) acc)
(and (member (first const) rej)
(member (second const) rej)
; else negative constraint:
(or (and (member (first const) acc)
(member (second const) rej)
(and (member (first const) rej)
(member (second const) acc)
; RANDOM-UNIT selectes a unit at random from the association
(defun random-unit ()
(assoc (random *total-units*) *number-units*)
; ================== CONNECTIONIST =========
; CONNECT-SOLUTION translates a settled network into a solution
(defun connect-solution ()
(my-print "Computing coherence using connectionist algorithm.")
(setf (get 'special 'activation) *special-activation*)
(setq *connect-solution*
(do ((units *all-units* (cdr units))
(acc nil)
(rej nil)
((null units)
(cons 'connectionist
(append (coh-score (list 'connect (cons 'special
acc) rej))
(list (cons 'special acc) rej); return
(if (accepted (car units))
(push (car units) acc)
; else
(push (car units) rej)
(my-print "Connectionist solution is: " *connect-solution*)
; ACCEPTED yields T if a unit's activation is above 0.
; REJECTED-CONNECT yields T if a unit's activation is below 0.
(defun accepted (unit)
(> (get unit 'activation) 0)
(defun rejected (unit)
(< (get unit 'activation) 0)
; ================= .878 ===================
; Input: list of constraints, each of which is a list:
; (unit1 unit2 weight)
; Negative weights indicate negative constraints.
; Output: list of two lists:
; Accepted (must include the unit SPECIAL)
; Rejected
; Output represents the partition that maximizes the total weight
; of the constraints satisfied (see formal definition)
; =================UTILITIES================
; NAME-UNIT creates a new symbol
(defun name-unit (str num)
(make-symbol (coerce (append (coerce str 'list)
(coerce (princ-to-string num) 'list)
(defun pls () (mapcar 'pl *all-units*))
(defun end-at (num)
(setq *max-times* num)
(defun put (atom property value)
(setf (get atom property) value)
; POWERLIST generates all subsets of a list
(defun powerlist (lst)
(cond ((null lst) nil)
((= (length lst) 1)
(list lst '())
(t (append (powerlist (cdr lst))
(push-all (car lst) (powerlist (cdr lst)))
; PUSH-ALL(E, LofL) returns a list of lists consisting of lists
made by;
; consing E on to each member of LofL
(defun push-all (el list-of-lists)
(do ((lst list-of-lists (cdr lst))
(result nil)
((null lst) result) ; return
(push (push el (car lst)) result)