; FILE : utilities.lisp
; PURPOSE: utilities for COHERE
; NOTE : Based on the utilities given for DECO.




; MY-PRINT nicely prints a collection of arguments.
(defun my-print (&rest arguments)
(prog (args)
(setq args arguments)
(cond ( (null args) (terpri) (return t)))
(princ (car args) )
(setq args (cdr args))
(go loop)


; PRINT-RUN prints out the emperiment and test names, and the units
; that have not reached assymptote.
(defun print-run (&optional *verbose*)
(cond (*silent-run?*)
(t (my-print '"Test: " *testnum*
'" Total times: " *total-times*
; (unix "date")
(my-print *problem*) ; description
(my-print '"Units not yet reached asymptote: "
(length (set-difference *all-units*


; PRINT-PROPNS displays the activation of each unit.
(defun print-propns ()
(mapcar #'print-activation

; PRINT-ACTIVATION prints a unit, the proposition it represents, and its
; activation.
(defun print-activation (unit)
(my-print unit '" @ " *total-times* '" is " (get unit 'activation))
; (my-print '" " (prop unit))

; PRINT-VALUES prints the parameters of the network.
(defun print-values ()
(my-print '"Current network parameters:")
(my-print '" Decay : " *decay-amount*)
(my-print '" Excitation: : " *excit-weight*)
(my-print '" Inhibition: : " *inhib-weight*)
(my-print '" Data excitation: : " *data-excit*)
(my-print '" Total number of units : " (length *all-units*))
(my-print '" Total number of symmetric links: " (/ *total-links* 2))
(my-print '" Total number of links : " *total-links*)
(my-print '" Threshold for output from units: " *output-threshold*)
(my-print '" (default) Minimum activation : " *min-activation*)
(my-print '" (default) Maximum activation : " *max-activation*)
(my-print '" Asymptote criterion : " *asymptote*)
(my-print '" Priority goal excitation : " *goal-excit*)



(defun act (unit)
"Function to determine the activation of a unit."
(get unit 'activation)

(defun debug-print (message)
(if (null *debug*) nil (print message)))


; The following functions have been imported from versions of ECHO

(defun print-si (&rest arguments)
(unless *silent-run?* (apply #'my-print arguments))
(defun silent () (setq *silent-run?* t) (defun debug-run () nil))


; PPLIST pretty-prints out a property list.
(defun pplist (atom)
(my-print '" ")
(if (boundp atom)
(my-print '"Property list of " atom " (value = " (eval atom) ")")
(my-print '"Property list of " atom)
(do ((lst (plist atom) (cddr lst)))
((null lst) t)
(my-print (car lst) '": " (cadr lst))

(defun pl (atm) (pplist atm))

; NODE-TYPE is a function to check to see if the node is an action, goal or subgoal
(defun node-type (atom)
(get atom 'type))

(defun put-prop (atom value property)
(setf (get atom property) value))

; ******************************************************
; Functions for changing parameters.
; ******************************************************
; GROSS-ON and GROSS-OFF turn on and off the use of the Grossberg
; updating rule.

(defun gross-on ()
(if *grossberg?* (or *silent-run?* (my-print '"Already using Grossberg rule."))
; else:
(and (setq *grossberg?* t)
(or *silent-run?* (my-print '"Now using Grossberg updating rule."))

(defun gross-off ()
(if (null *grossberg?*)
(or *silent-run?* (my-print "Already using Rumelhart and McClelland updating rule."))
; else:
(or (setq *grossberg?* nil)
(or *silent-run?* (my-print '"Now using Rumelhart and McClelland updating rule."))

(defun tversky-on ()
(if *tversky?* (or *silent-run?* (my-print "Already using altered negative activation rule."))
(and (setq *tversky?* t)
(or *silent-run?* (my-print "Now using altered negative activation rule."))

(defun tversky-off ()
(if (null *tversky?*) (or *silent-run?* (my-print "Altered rule is not in use."))
(or (setq *tversky?* nil)
(or *silent-run?* (my-print "No longer using altered negative activation rule."))

; ****************************************************************
; WTP determines when to print system information while running
; the net. At every timestep on the list, info is presented.
; The run stops with the last timestep on the list.

(defun wtp (lst)
(setq *when-to-print* lst)
(my-print '"Printing results at cycles: " lst)
; ***************************************************
; STOP says to stop network if it has settled.

(defun stop ()
(setq *stop-settled?* t)


(defun unstop ()
(setq *stop-settled?* nil)

; ***************************************************

(defun inhib (num)
(declare (type (float) num))
(cond ((equal *silent-run?* t))
((= num *inhib-weight*)
(my-print '"Inhibition unchanged at " num)
((> num *inhib-weight*)
(my-print '"Inhibition weakened from " *inhib-weight* '" to " num)
(t (my-print '"Inhibition intensified from " *inhib-weight* '" to " num))
(setq *inhib-weight* num)
(defun decay (num)
(declare (type (float) num))
(cond ( (equal *silent-run?* t))
( (= num *decay-amount*)
(my-print '"Decay unchanged at " num)
( (> num *decay-amount*)
(my-print '"Decay rate increased from " *decay-amount* '" to " num)
( t (my-print '"Decay rate decreased from " *decay-amount* '" to " num))
(setq *decay-amount* num)

(defun excit (num)
(declare (type (float) num))
(cond ( (equal *silent-run?* t))
( (= num *excit-weight*)
(my-print '"Excitation unchanged at " num)
( (> num *excit-weight*)
(my-print '"Excitation increased from " *excit-weight* '" to " num)
(t (my-print '"Excitation decreased from " *excit-weight* '" to " num))
(setq *excit-weight* num)

(defun data-excit (num)
(declare (type (float) num))
(cond ( (equal *silent-run?* t))
( (= num *data-excit*)
(my-print '"Data excitation unchanged at " num)
( (> num *data-excit*)
(my-print '"Data excitation increased from " *data-excit* '" to " num)
(t (my-print '"Data excitation decreased from " *data-excit* '" to " num))
(setq *data-excit* num)

(defun simple (num)
(declare (type (float) num))
(if (> num *simpl-impact*)
(my-print '"Simplicity impact increased from " *simpl-impact* '" to " num)
; else
(my-print '"Simplicity impact decreased from " *simpl-impact* '" to " num)
(setq *simpl-impact* num)


(defun output (num)
(declare (type (float) num))
(cond ( (equal *silent-run?* t))
( (= num *output-threshold*)
(my-print '"Output threshold unchanged at " num)
( (> num *output-threshold*)
(my-print '"Output theshold increased from " *output-threshold* '" to " num)
( t (my-print '"Output threshold decreased from " *output-threshold* '" to " num))
(setq *output-threshold* num)

; CONS-IF-NEW adds an element if it is not already there.

(defun cons-if-new (el lst)
(if (member el lst :test #'equal) lst
; else
(cons el lst)



(defmacro plist (atm) `(symbol-plist ,atm))


(defmacro not-equal (atm1 atm2) `(not (equal ,atm1 ,atm2)))

(defmacro my-max (num1 num2) `(max ,num1 ,num2))

(defmacro subset (l1 l2) `(subsetp ,l1 ,l2))



(defun silent () (setq *silent-run?* t) )
(defun unsilent () (setq *silent-run?* nil))

(defun justify (spaces atm)
"Justifies atom ATM in a string of SPACES characters."
(let (outstr)
(setq outstr (coerce (princ-to-string atm) 'list))
(do ((len (length outstr) (1+ len)))
((eq len spaces) (coerce outstr 'string))
(setq outstr (cons #\Space outstr))


(defun swap (lis pos1 pos2)
"Exchanges elements POS1 and POS2 of list LIS."
(do ((pos 0 (1+ pos))
(elt1 (elt lis pos1))
(elt2 (elt lis pos2))
(retlis nil)
((eq pos (length lis)) (reverse retlis))
(setq retlis (cons (cond ((eq pos pos1) elt2)
((eq pos pos2) elt1)
(t (elt lis pos))

;; BEGIN newsym functions (similar to gensym)
(defvar *NEWSYM-PREFIX* 'c)

(defun newsym (symb)
"Given a symbol, get it's counter and create a new symbol consisting
of the symbol concat'ed with its number. If symbol is nil, use
the current value of *NEWSYM-PREFIX*"
(cond ((symbolp symb)
(if (null symb) (setq symb *NEWSYM-PREFIX*))
(let (count)
(if (null (get symb '*newsym-counter*))
(setf (get symb '*newsym-counter*) 0))
(setf (get symb '*newsym-counter*)
(1+ (setq count (get symb '*newsym-counter*))))
(concat symb count)))
(t (princ "Error: non-symbol arg to newsym ")
(princ symb))))

; **********************************************************
; ATOM-BEGINS checks to see whether an atom begins with a
; given character.

(defun atom-begins (atm char)
(eq (aref (coerce-string atm) 0) char)

; COERCE-STRING turns an atom or number into a string

(defun coerce-string (atm)
(coerce (coerce (princ-to-string atm) 'list) 'string)

; ATOM-INCLUDES checks to see whether an atom includes a given
; character.

(defun atom-includes (atm char)
(prog (str index)
(setq str (symbol-name atm))
(setq index 0)
(if (> (+ 1 index) (length str)) (return nil))
(if (equal (aref str index) char) (return t))
(setq index (+ 1 index))
(go loop)



; **************************************************************
; UNION-LIST takes any number of arguments and returns the
; union of all of them.

(defun union-list (&rest arguments) ; takes any number of arguments
(remove-duplicates (apply 'append arguments))
; ********************************************************
; UNION-MAP takes the union of all members of a list of lists,
; where the list of lists arises from mapcarring a function.
; e.g. union-map 'cdr '( (a b) '( 1 2 a)) = (b 2 a)
(defun union-map (fn lst)
(apply 'union-list (mapcar fn lst))
; INTERSECTION-LIST takes any number of arguments and returns
; their intersection.

(defun intersection-list (&rest arguments)
(prog (args result)
(setq args arguments
result nil
(cond ( (null args) (return result)))
(setq result (intersection (car args) result))
(setq args (cdr args))
(go loop)

; ***********************************************************
; REMOVE-LIST removes all members of list1 from list2

(defun remove-list (lst1 lst2)
(prog (ls result)
(setq ls lst1)
(setq result lst2)
(cond ( (null ls) (return result)))
(setq result (remove (car ls) result))
(setq ls (cdr ls))
(go loop)

; *********************************************************
; HIGHEST (list property) returns that member of the list
; which has the highest value on its property list of the
; given property. HIGHEST-L does the same, but returns a list
; when there are ties.

(defun highest (list property)
(do ((lst (cdr list) (cdr lst))
(high (car list))
(highval (get (car list) property))
(val nil)
((null lst) high)
(cond ((> (setq val (get (car lst) property)) highval)
(setq high (car lst)) (setq highval val)

(defun highest-l (list prop)
(if (null list) nil
; else
(do ((lst list (cdr lst))
(high nil)
(values (mapcar #'(lambda (el) (get el prop)) list))
((null lst) (if (listp high) high (car high)))
(if (equal (get (car lst) prop) (apply 'max values))
(setq high (cons (car lst) high))

; *************************************************************
; PRINT-PLIST-S prints out the plists of all members of a list

(defun print-plist-s (lst)
(mapcar 'print-plist lst)

(defun pls (lst) (mapcar 'print-plist lst))

; **************************************************************************
; print-plist pretty-prints out a property list.

(defun print-plist (atom)
(my-print '" ")
(if (boundp atom)
(my-print '"Property list of " atom " (value = " (eval atom) ")")
(my-print '"Property list of " atom)
(do ((lst (plist atom) (cddr lst)))
((null lst) t)
(my-print (car lst) '": " (cadr lst))

(defun pl (atm) (print-plist atm))


; ************************************************************************
; MIN-MAX returns a value between low and high.

(defun min-max (low high num) (min (max low num) high))




(defun remove-nil-dup (lst)
(remove-duplicates (remove nil lst))

; FLATTEN is the typical flatten function.

(defun flatten (lis)
"Removes nestings from a list."
(cond ((atom lis) lis)
((listp (car lis))
(append (flatten (car lis)) (flatten (cdr lis)))
(t (append (list (car lis)) (flatten (cdr lis))))