; FILE: echo.lisp
; PURPOSE: hybrid of echo and echo2, to allow switching between the two
; PROGRAMMER: Paul Thagard
; BREEDER: David Gochfeld
; CREATED: 6-21-90; adapted to COHERE by PT, 5-1-95
; UPDATED: 6-21-2000, PT, to experiment with make-compet-link

; This file is mostly ECHO2. Functions that are functionally identical
; in both ECHO and ECHO2 appear here in their ECHO2 form. If they are
; functionally identical but have different names, the ECHO2 name is
; used. Functions that have the same name but function differently
; between ECHO and ECHO2 appear as a single function with an IF
; statement testing the flag *echo2-mode*.
; My goal was to have the minimum amount of code that would allow the user
; to switch between ECHO and ECHO2 runs in the same session, without
; in any way affecting the results from either version. Thus, some functions
; are a little clunky, but hopefully their behavior for the respective
; version has not been affected.

; *******************************************************************
; Explanatory coherence as constraint satisfaction.
; *******************************************************************
; Principles:
; If hypotheses Hi together explain data D,
; make excitatory links between each of the Hi and D and
; make excitatory links between each pair of the Hi.
; Weight is proportional to the number of Hi.
; Make inhibitory links between each contradictory Hi and Hj.
; Have excitatory links between higher hypotheses and hypotheses they
; explain also.
; Analogy also establishes excitatory links.

; System ECHO.2: explanatory coherence by harmany (sic) optimization
; This version differs from the original ECHO in that
; it sets up incoherencies based on Principle C of TEC.2.
; Competition is noted automatically: two hypotheses that
; both explain the same evidence compete unless there is some
; explanatory relation between them.


;(if *echo2-mode*
; (my-print "You are running ECHO.2, which differs from the original ECHO.")
; (my-print "You are running the original ECHO.")


(defvar *competitors* nil)
(defvar *common-hyps* nil)
(defvar *start-links* 0)


(defun defaults-echo2 ()
(decay .05)
(excit .04)
(inhib -.06)
(wtp '(120))
(output -.99)
(data-excit .05)

(defun dfe2 () (defaults-echo2))

; ***************************************************************
; Functions for parsing input.
; ***************************************************************
(defun proposition (name sentence)
(print-si name " stands for: " sentence)
(setf (get name 'propn) sentence)
(setq *all-propositions* (cons name *all-propositions*))
(make-explan-unit name)
(setf (get name 'activation) *init-activ*)
(setf (get name 'original-activation) *init-activ*)

; ***************************************************************

(defun contradict (prop1 prop2)
(make-explan-unit prop1)
(make-explan-unit prop2)
(print-si prop1 '" contradicts " prop2 '".")
(make-sym-link prop1 prop2 *inhib-weight*)
(setf (get prop1 'contradicts) (push prop2 (get prop1 'contradicts)))
(setf (get prop2 'contradicts) (push prop1 (get prop2 'contradicts)))
(push (list prop1 prop2) *contradictions*)

; **************************************************************
; CONTRADICT-SET handles cases where one set of propositions is
; contradictory with another set.

(defun contradict-set (props1 props2)
(print-si props1 '" contradict " props2 '".")
(push (list props1 props2) *contradictions*)
(do ((props props1 (cdr props))
(inhib-wt (/ *inhib-weight*
(/ (+ (length props1) (length props2)) 2)
((null props) 'done)
(make-inhib-links-for-unit (car props) props2 inhib-wt)


; ***************************************************************
; DATA notes that members of a list of propositions are evidence
; nodes, each of which is then linked to the special evidence unit.
; If a member of the list is a list, with the form
; (proposition importance), then the link to the special unit
; has weight importance*data-excit.
; Note: this should be called only after all the EXPLAIN
; statements, so that the check for unexplained evidence will work.

(defun data (list)
(mapcar #'(lambda (unit-or-pair)
(cond ((listp unit-or-pair)
(setq *all-data* (cons (car unit-or-pair) *all-data*))
(make-sym-link 'special
(car unit-or-pair)
(* *data-excit* (second unit-or-pair))
; else:
(t (make-sym-link 'special unit-or-pair *data-excit*)
(setq *all-data* (cons unit-or-pair *all-data*))
(if *check-unexplained* (unexplained)) ; check for unexplained data
(print-si '"Data are: " *all-data*)

; ADD-DATA: add data at a particular cycle. To work, this has to be
; called at each cycle, e.g. by debug-run.

(defun add-data (cycle evidence)
(if (= *total-times* cycle)
(data evidence)
; **************************************************************
; UNEXPLAINED check to see if there are any unexplained pieces of
; evidence, increasing decay if there are.

(defun unexplained ()
(cond ((null *all-explainers*)
(print-si '"ERROR: Do the EXPLAIN statements before the DATA statements.")
(t (print-si '"Unexplained data: "
(set-difference *all-data* *all-explained*)
(setq *decay-register* *decay-amount*)
(decay (* *decay-amount* (/ (length *all-data*)
(length *all-explained*)

; ***************************************************************
; EXPLAIN sets up excitatory links noting what explains what.
; Weights depend on the number of explaining hypotheses.
; Value should be between 0 and 1.

(defun explain (list-of-explainers explanandum &optional (value 1))
(let ((simpl-wt
(cond ( (or (zerop *simpl-impact*)
(null (set-difference list-of-explainers *all-data*))
(* *excit-weight* value)
; otherwise:
(t (/ (* *excit-weight* value)
(expt (length (set-difference list-of-explainers *all-data*))
(print-si " " list-of-explainers
(if (= (length list-of-explainers) 1) " explains " " explain ")
(setq *all-explainers* (union list-of-explainers *all-explainers*))
(pushnew explanandum *all-explained*)
(mapcar 'make-explan-unit (cons explanandum list-of-explainers))
(if *echo2-mode*
(setf (get explanandum 'explained-by)
(union list-of-explainers
(get explanandum 'explained-by)
(setf (get explanandum 'explainers)
(union list-of-explainers
(get explanandum 'explainers)
; record what explains what
(note-co-hyps list-of-explainers explanandum)
; excitatory links between explanandum and explainers:
(make-excit-links explanandum list-of-explainers simpl-wt)

; excitatory links among co-hypotheses, except data
(make-all-excit-links (set-difference list-of-explainers *all-data*)
(* simpl-wt *co-hyp-importance*)


(defun add-explain (cycle explainers explained)
(if (= *total-times* cycle)
(explain explainers explained)
; **********************************************************
; MAKE-ALL-EXCIT-LINKS sets up excitatory links between every
; pair of a set of units.

(defun make-all-excit-links (list-of-units weight)
(do ((units list-of-units (cdr units))
; exit:
((null (cdr units)) *total-links*)

; repeat:
(make-excit-links (car units)
(cdr units)

; **********************************************************
; MAKE-EXCIT-LINKS sets up excitatory links between a unit and
; each of a set of units.

(defun make-excit-links (unit other-units weight)
(do ((units other-units (cdr units)))
((null units) (return 'done))
; repeat:
(make-sym-link unit (car units) weight)

; **********************************************************
; MAKE-INHIB-LINKS sets up inhibitory links among all pairs of
; a set of units.

(defun make-inhib-links (units weight)
(do ( (unts (remove nil units) (cdr unts))
(units-without-nils (remove nil units))
; exit:
((null (cdr unts)) *total-links*)
; repeat:
(make-inhib-links-for-unit (car unts)

; **********************************************************
; MAKE-INHIB-LINKS-FOR-UNIT does it for one unit.

(defun make-inhib-links-for-unit (unit units weight)
(do ( (unts units (cdr unts)))
; exit:
( (null unts) *total-links*)
; action:
(make-sym-link unit (car unts) weight)


; ********************************************************************
; ANALOGOUS sets up links between 2 analogous hypotheses and
; between 2 analogous pieces of evidence.

(defun analogous (hyps data)
(cond ((and (member (car data) (get (car hyps) 'explains))
(member (second data) (get (second hyps) 'explains))
; then:
(make-sym-link (car hyps) (second hyps)
(* *excit-weight* *analogy-impact*)
(make-sym-link (car data) (second data)
(* *excit-weight* *analogy-impact*)
(print-si '"Explanation of " (car data)
'" by " (car hyps)
'" is analogous to explanation of " (second data)
'" by " (second hyps)
; else:
(t (print-si '"Error: non-explanatory analogy."))


; *********************************************************************
; MAKE-EXPLAN-UNIT sets up a unit for use by network.

(defun make-explan-unit (name)
(unless (member name *all-units*) (note-unit name))

; ******************************************************************

(defun get-explainers (datum)
(get datum (if *echo2-mode* 'explained-by 'explainers))

; ******************************************************************
; NOTE-CO-HYPS notes the co-hypotheses and explananda of each hypothesis.

(defun note-co-hyps (explainers explained)
(if *echo2-mode* (setf (get explained 'explained-by)
(union (get explained 'explained-by) explainers)
(do ((hyps explainers (cdr hyps)))
; exit
((null hyps) 'done.)
; repeat:
(setf (get (car hyps) 'explains)
(cons explained (get (car hyps) 'explains))
(setf (get (car hyps) 'co-hypotheses)
(union (get (car hyps) 'co-hypotheses)
(remove (car hyps) explainers)
(setf (get (car hyps) 'explanations)
(cons (list explainers explained)
(get (car hyps) 'explanations)

; ********************************************************

; Functions to count links made: START-EXPLAIN, STOP-EXPLAIN

(defun start-explain ()
(setq *start-links* (sym-links))

(defun stop-explain ()
(print-si "Symmetric excitatory links created for explanations: "
(- (sym-links) *start-links*)

(defun start-contra ()
(setq *start-links* (sym-links))

(defun stop-contra ()
(print-si "Symmetric inhibitory links created for contradictions: "
(- (sym-links) *start-links*)

(defun sym-links ()
(/ *total-links* 2)


; ********************************************************
; Noting competitors.
; *********************************************************

(defun make-competition ()
(setq *start-links* (sym-links))
(print-si "Looking for competing hypotheses ...")
(competing (find-competitors))
(print-si "Symmetric inhibitory links created for competition: "
(- (sym-links) *start-links*)

; FIND-COMPETITORS returns a list of pairs of propositions that
; are incoherent because they compete. Duplication is avoided:
; the returned list does not have both (A B) and (B A).

(defun find-competitors ()
(do ((exp-list *all-explained* (cdr exp-list))
(result nil)
; exit
((null exp-list) result)
; repeat
(setq result (union result
(competing-exp (car exp-list))
:test #'duplicate




; ************************************************************

; EXP-RELEVANT determines if two propositions are explanatorily relevant
; to each other: one explains the other, or together they explain
; something, or they have a common explanation. Also spots
; pairs where one is a fact or piece of evidence, if EVID-COMPET is T.

(defvar evid-compet? nil)

(defun exp-relevant (prop1 prop2)
(or (member prop1 (get prop2 'explains))
(member prop2 (get prop1 'explains))
(member prop1 (get prop2 'co-hypotheses))
(intersection (get-explainers prop1) (get-explainers prop2))
(and evid-compet? (member prop1 *all-data*))
(and evid-compet? (member prop2 *all-data*))

; *************************************************************

; COMPETING-EXP puts together pairs of competing
; hypotheses. It screens out ones that are
; not competing because they are explanatorily relevant to each other.

(defun competing-exp (explained)
(do ((explainers (set-difference (get explained 'explained-by)
(cdr explainers)
(result nil)
; exit
((null (cdr explainers)) result)
; repeat
(setq result (union-dup result
(pair-up-comp (car explainers) (cdr explainers))



; ************************************************************

(defun union-dup (lst1 lst2)
(union lst1 lst2 :test #'duplicate)


(defun duplicate (list1 list2)
(or (equal list1 list2)
(equal (reverse list1) list2)

; ************************************************************
; PAIR-UP-COMP creates a list of pairs consisting of an element
; and each member of a list, screening out non-competitors.

(defun pair-up-comp (element lst)
(do ((ls lst (cdr ls))
(result nil)
((null ls) result)
(unless (exp-relevant element (car ls))
(setq result (cons (list element (car ls)) result))


; ****************************************************
; COMPET-NOT-CONTRA returns a list of propositions found
; to be competitive but not explicitly contradictory.

(defun cnc () (compet-not-contra))

(defun compet-not-contra ()
(print-si "The competing but not contradictory propositions are:")
(print-si " "
(set-difference *competitors* *contradictions* :test #'equal)

; ****************************************************

; COMPETING sets up inhibitory links between competing propositions:

(defun competing (pairs-of-competitors)
(setq *competitors* nil)
(do ((prs (sort pairs-of-competitors #'string-lessp :key #'car) (cdr prs))
prop1 prop2
; exit
((null prs) 'done)
; repeat:
(setq prop1 (first (car prs)))
(setq prop2 (second (car prs)))
(print-si prop1 " competes with " prop2 " because of "
(intersection (get prop1 'explains) (get prop2 'explains)) "."
(make-compet-link prop1 prop2)
(setf (get prop1 'competes-with) (pushnew prop2 (get prop1 'competes-with)))
(setf (get prop2 'competes-with) (pushnew prop1 (get prop2 'competes-with)))
(pushnew (list prop1 prop2) *competitors*)
; *********************************************************
; MAKE-COMPET-LINK sets up an inhibitory link between units representing
; propositions that incohere because they compete to explain some
; pieces of evidence. Links are weaker in proportion to the
; number of cohypotheses involved in the explanations that produce
; the competition. Links are stronger the more pieces of evidence
; competed for. Note that unlike make-sym-link this allows
; summation of inhibition. If two propositions are both
; contradictory and competitive, inhibition will be all the greater.
; This is a change of July 9, 1990. (put in Allegro ECHO 7/11/90)
; UPDATE 6-21-2000, PT. Based on the OJ simulation, I decided
; that the inhibitory links resulting from summing competition
; might be too high. So I've tried replacing the old make-compet-link
; with a simpler one.

(defun make-compet-link (pro1 pro2)
(make-link pro1 pro2 *inhib-weight*)
(make-link pro2 pro1 *inhib-weight*)


(defun make-compet-link-old (pro1 pro2)
(let ((wt (* *inhib-weight*
(/ (length (intersection (get pro1 'explains)
(get pro2 'explains)
(/ (length (co-hyps-used pro1 pro2))
(make-link pro1 pro2 wt)
(make-link pro2 pro1 wt)




(defun co-hyps-used (pr1 pr2)
(do ((evid (intersection (get pr1 'explains)
(get pr2 'explains)
) (cdr evid)
(result nil)
((null evid) result)
(setq result (union result
(union (co-hyps-in-expln pr1 (car evid))
(co-hyps-in-expln pr2 (car evid))




(defun add-to-end (atm lst)
(setq lst (reverse (cons atm (reverse lst))))
; *********************************************************

(defun mean-activation (lst)
(/ (apply #'+ (mapcar #'get-activation lst))
(length lst)

(defun get-activation (unit) (get unit 'activation))

; *********************************************************
; Running the network.
; **********************************************************
; RUN-ECHO runs the network.

(defun run-echo ()
"Checks to see which type of run to do, calls apropriate run routine."
(if *echo2-mode* (run-echo2-exp) (run-echo-exp))

(defun run-echo2-exp ()
(print-si) ; line-feed
(print-si "Running ECHO.2.")
(setq *acme-mode* nil)
(setf (get 'special 'activation) *special-activation*)
(if (and *check-unexplained*
(/= *decay-amount* *decay-register*) ; because of unexplained
(decay *decay-register*)
(unless *silent-run?* (print-propns))

(defun run-echo-exp ()
(print-si) ; line-feed
(print-si "Running ECHO.")
(setq *acme-mode* nil)
; help higher level explainers by creating links from them
; down to data
(if (and *check-unexplained*
(/= *decay-amount* *decay-register*) ; because of unexplained
(decay *decay-register*)




; **********************************************************

(defun last-el (lst)
(car (last lst))
; **********************************************************
; CO-HYPS-IN-EXPLN says what hypotheses were used in the
; explanation of Q by P. It can handle cases where P plays a
; role in explaining Q by different other hypotheses.

(defun co-hyps-in-expln (unit1 unit2)
(do ((explns (get unit1 'explanations) (cdr explns))
(result nil)
((null explns) result)
(if (equal unit2 (last-el (car explns)))
(setq result
(union result
(caar explns)

; **********************************************************

(defun note-explanations ()
(setf (get 'special 'activation) *special-activation*)




; **********************************************************
; Assessing the results:
; See MacECHO
; **********************************************************




; END OF echo.lisp