Do not read, unless you are a weak speaker and a strong reader.
Prepare and practise your presentation thoroughly. Do not wing it.
Get the length right: For a standard colloquium or job talk, do not go more than 45-50 minutes.
Have an introduction and a conclusion. Be well organized.
Keep the level of detail appropriate for the audience.
Explain difficult claims and concepts clearly and thoroughly.
Use humour as appropriate.
Use effective visual aids: overheads, Powerpoint, handouts.
Engage your audience with eye contact and enthusiasm.
Listen carefully to understand questions and answer them fully but concisely.
Jan. 24: Dave DeVidi, Rationality and Logic
Jan. 31: Brian Orend, Rationality and Human Rights
Feb. 7: Paul Thagard, Wisdom
Feb. 14: Joe Novack, Axiomatic systems in antiquity
Feb. 28: Chapman, Martin, Sand, Sheehan (Mind)
Mar. 7: Finn, Pecoskie, Riarh, Toombs (Science)
Mar. 14: Bullen, Christelis, Dumsday, Heffernan (Knowledge)
Mar. 21: Kulic, Menken, Pollon, Stumpf (Action)
Since Adam Smith, economists have assumed that people are rational agents: "rational economic man".
Rational choice theory has also had a huge influence on political science and other fields.
Rationality as maximizing self interest. Smith's "invisible hand". Contrast moral sentiments.
Rationality as maximizing utility, originally satisfaction, later mathematical reconstruction of preferences.
Biological evolution: variation + selection -> evolution of species.
Claim: actions of organisms evolved to maximize fitness: selfish gene.
Maximizing fitness requires game theory: dealing with opponents. Altruism.
Sociobiology, social Darwinism, evolutionary psychology.
Problems with analogy between evolution and economics
Computational Epistemology Laboratory.
This page updated Jan. 9, 2006