Voluntarism: Choice, e.g. moral contract.
Realism: Ethical judgments are true or false, and can be known by means such as intuition.
Reflective endorsement: Take into account the nature of humans, e.g. Hume on emotions.
Autonomy: Kantian ideas about freedom provide greatest insight.
Metaphysics: Nature of a person, free will.
Epistemology: Methodology for evaluating natural and non-natural claims.
Science: Empirical information about humans and their history may be relevant to understanding the nature of persons.
Question: to what extent do desired ethical conclusions influence people's science, metaphysics, and epistemology?
Abortion, euthanasia, brain death, animal rights.
How do creationist, vitalist, and mechanistic views of life affect these issues?
Computational Epistemology Laboratory.
This page updated Oct. 4, 2004