Phil/Psych 447, Phil 673, 2010
Seminar in Cognitive Science: Mind and Society
Week 9: Literature
Week 8a: Social experience
Discussion Questions
- What are the social functions of literature?
- Do novels, plays, and poetry have different cognitive and social functions?
- How does empathy contribute to literary understanding and vice versa?
- How do cognitive processes of simulation contribute to the appreciation of literature?
- What role does imagery play in reading?
- What are the cognitive and social processes relevant to narratives?
- How are neural mechanisms relevant to understanding the social functions of literature?
- How can cognitive literary theory be blended with postmodernist concerns about race, gender, class, and colonialism?
Week 8b: Allegory
Discussion Questions
- Can literature change the world? What are some examples?
- What roles do emotions play in all kinds of literature?
- What are the brain processes that make possible emotional reading and empathy?
- How does the multiconstraint theory of analogy mesh with ideas about emotions?
- Are cognitive-affective maps a useful technique for understanding literary structure?
- Can cognitive theory be used to evaluate literary works?
- What are the relations among the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities?
Computational Epistemology
This page updated Nov. 8, 2010