Phil/Psych 447 Phil 673
Seminar in Cognitive Science: Cognition and Social Change
Week 6: Prejudice
- How can the 3-analysis of prejudice be improved? What else does prejudice explain?
- Can stereotypes usefully be understood as semantic pointers?
- How well does de Beauvoir capture the negative stereotype of women? Does the value map help to understand it?
- How important are unconscious multimodal rules in prejudice?
- Is the Jewish stereotype as similar to the anti-women one as the value maps suggest?
- How do motivated and fear-driven inference support prejudicial stereotypes?
- How does communication of stereotypes support social spread of prejudice?
- Are social norms captured by rules, including multimodal ones?
- How can understanding of mental and social mechanisms help to overcome prejudice?
- Why is communication about prejudices difficult?
- How does overcoming prejudice require conceptual change?
Computational Epistemology
This page updated Oct. 12, 2015