Phil/Psych 447 Phil 673
Seminar in Cognitive Science: Cognition and Social Change
Week 5: Romantic Relationships
- Do Murray and Holmes give a plausible account of romantic relationships?
- Does talk of cognitive and social mechanisms add anything to their account?
- How plausible is the suggested social cognitive-emotional workup of couples?
- How important are unconscious rules in relationships and do they make sense as multimodal rules based on semantic pointers?
- Are trust, commitment, and love really neural processes?
- What inferences do people in romantic couples make about each other?
- What are the main causes of relationship success and failure?
- Do relationships actually have emergent rather than aggregate properties?
- Does the heart want what it wants?
- What are the similiarities and differences between romantic relationships and others (friendships, work, nations, etc.)?
Computational Epistemology
This page updated Oct. 12, 2015